Course code DGX011
Name of the course Score Reading
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff Silvia Landra, Riho Esko Maimets
Responsible staff member Silvia Landra

Graded or pass/fail examinations AEAEAE
Semester 123456

Total ECTS 12 ECTS

Course aims

The course aims at developing the student's skills get to know scores of various types and to learn to sight-read choral compositions of different texture and level of complexity. The student will be introduced to the world's choral repertoire, the and develop fluency of playing choral scores at the piano as well as transposing them. During the course, the student will practise alto, tenor and treble clefs. Easy orchestral scores are included as well.
Elective course: The course aims at developing the student's score reading abilities. Transposable instruments and C clefs are practised, as well as creating piano reductions of orchestral scores.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student will be able to
- play choral scores of different periods and styles and the piano
- play scores that use C clefs
- transpose choral scores from score and from memory (if memorized)
- audiate the score without playing and have an aural image
- work methodically with a choral score
- demonstarte awareness of the world's choral repertoire
- play easy orhestral scores
- make paino reductions of easy orchestral scores
Elective course: On completion of the course, the student will be able to
- play on the piano orchestral parts that use C clefs
- transpose on the piano orchestral parts of transposing instruments
- play easy orchestral scores
- create piano reductions

Having completed this course, the student will:
-have acquired skills in the playing of chamber, choral and orchestral scores on the piano
-be able to create piano reductions of simple orchestral and chamber works
-will have prepared orchestral works for performance on the piano