Course code DGX800
Name of the course Wind Orchestra Repertoire
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff
Responsible staff member Toomas Vavilov

Graded or pass/fail examinations EE
Semester 12
ECTS 3.003.00


Course aims

The aim of the course is to become acquainted with the repertoire of wind orchestras.
During the first semester, the focus is on the works of Estonian composers, while during the second semester, the focus is on the works of foreign composers.

Learning outcomes

A student who has completed the course:
- knows the names of important composers who have created music for wind orchestras and their significant biographical details;
- is familiar with the symphonic wind repertoire from around the world;
- has in-depth knowledge of the specific pieces assigned by the instructor, able to distinguish and describe their musical and technical aspects;
- is familiar with various types of ceremonial music for wind orchestras and can provide specific examples;
- can create concert programs and select suitable music for different events;
- can create concert programs suitable for different orchestras in terms of difficulty level and style.