Course code DGX805
Name of the course Orchestration for Wind Ensemble
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff
Responsible staff member Toomas Vavilov

Graded or pass/fail examinations AA
Semester 12
ECTS 3.003.00


Course aims

The aim of the course is to acquire skills in arranging music for various wind ensembles. This includes analyzing scores for wind orchestras and mastering important orchestration techniques.

Learning outcomes

A student who has completed the course:
- Understands the range and technical possibilities of wind instruments.
- Can notate music for wind instruments, taking into account their transposition and other characteristics.
- Is familiar with the most common wind ensemble configurations.
- Is able to arrange music for various wind ensembles, employing suitable harmonic and melodic figurations, as well as rhythmic variations.
- Can utilize orchestration as a tool for shaping the formal elements of a musical composition.