Course code DK8600
Name of the course Philosophy of Science
Languages of instruction Estonian
Teaching staff
Responsible staff member Kristel Pappel

Grading or pass/fail examinations pass/fail
Semester spring

Course aims

The teaching of philosophy of science to doctoral students aims to:
- to broaden the general education in science in order to better orient oneself and communicate in the scientific world;
- to understand the meaning of science as a social phenomenon in culture;
- to develop a general theoretical understanding of scientific knowledge and understanding, scientific methods and methodology;
- to introduce the main concepts of the genesis, functioning and development of science;
- to broaden and deepen the language skills of the meta-level of scientific activity

The subject is taught alternately at the Estonian Academy of Arts https://tahvel. and the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre

Learning outcomes

A doctoral candidate who has successfully completed the course:
- Can relate specialist knowledge and skills to a generalist approach;
- The generalist: is able to: (i) integrate the knowledge of the specialist in the field; (ii) be able to provide a philosophical-critical analysis of the assumptions, aims, tools and concepts of research;
- knowledge of the basic problems of philosophy of science;
- distinguishes between the main philosophical strategies of cognition: empiricism, instrumentalism, realism and constructivism;
- is oriented towards a general picture of scientific methods and the different forms of scientific knowledge (fact, problem, model, hypothesis, theory);
- has an overview of K. Popper, ta. Kuhn, I. Lakatos, P. Feyerabend, etc., on the doctrines of science.