Course code DOK033
Name of the course Creative Work III
Languages of instruction Estonian, English
Teaching staff
Responsible staff member Kristel Pappel

Grading or pass/fail examinations grading
Total ECTS 35 ECTS

Course aims

The aim of the createive work is to develop musicians of high professional standard, enhance skills in the area of specialization, provide experience and prepare the student for independent artistic career both in Estonia and internationally, support creative personality, a broad outlook, and understanding of wider artistic and social issues.

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the creative work, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a high standard of professional skills in the area of specialization and capability of further perfection;
2. Are able to design and perform innovative creative works of high artistic value and independently analyse and critically assess topical issues relevant to the development of their area of specialisation;
3. Are able to justify the concept of their creative work;
4. Take decisions that require teamwork and leadership skills, innovative thinking and capability of strategic choice-making, about important issues in the given area of specialization.
5. Are able to instruct students in their creative work.