Course code DOK060
Name of the course Doctoral Thesis
Languages of instruction Estonian, English
Teaching staff
Responsible staff member Kristel Pappel

Graded or pass/fail examinations pass/failpass/failpass/failMasters
Semester springspringspring

Total ECTS 40 ECTS

Course aims

In the creative branch, the aim of the doctoral thesis and the seminar supporting its completion is to provide doctoral students with an experience of scientific research and its documentation through the examination of an important field-specific problem.
The doctoral thesis is part of the creative/scientific doctoral project and must be related to the student’s creative work.

Learning outcomes

Doctoral students who have defended a doctoral thesis have extensive knowledge and systemic overview of music or dramatic arts in general, as well as topical knowledge in their specific area of specialisation in the interpretation of music, dramatic art or composition; they are able to supervise other students both creatively and in research work related to their area of specialisation. They understand the meaning of research that supports creative activity and know its possibilities and main research methods, being able to further develop and adjust these for their research, if needed; are able to present to the specialist audience, as well as general public, both orally and in writing, the general problems of music and theatre as well as those related to their specific area of specialisation and the specific creative/scientific project and argument and participate in relevant discussions in their study language as well as a foreign language important in their area of specialisation.