Course code DOK305
Name of the course Higher Education Pedagogics
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff
Responsible staff member Kristi Kiilu

Grading or pass/fail examinations grading
Semester autumn

Course aims

1. To learn about learning processes, basic theories of learning and teaching/instruction and to analyse learning processes in all their forms and aspects in all fields related to the speciality.
2. To acquire professional skills for curriculum design and relevant learning processes, to analyse the dynamics and organisation of studies at higher educational institutions.
3. To support and promote processes of learning through dialogue and teamwork for the acquisition of reflexive and social competencies and the acceptance of ethical values meaningful for work as a university lecturer.
4. To support students to develop different skills for becoming aware of and acknowledging their cultural differences and ingrained stereotypes regarding learning (and those of the lecturer); to enable students to be prepared to reconsider and change their pedagogical activities if circumstances require.
5. To support students’ motivation for self-development, socialisation and identity building in society and professional communities locally, regionally and globally.

Learning outcomes

The student:
1. possesses knowledge about specific traits of students as adult learners and how to influence/impact these processes;
2. masters the content of the course she/he is teaching and different teaching methods; is able to justify their selection, based on the situation;
3. is aware of different teaching and learning styles, is capable of creating supportive learning environments;
4. is able to analyse her/his preceding pedagogical activities and plan her/his future activities based on traditional and modern speciality-related research literature;
5. is able to analyse learning from the point of view of students and lecturers, taking into account their interaction;
6. is competent to design a subject course with specification of aims, content, learning outcomes/attainment targets and methods for evaluation and assessment, using criteria based on principles of constructive cohesion.