Course code EVK005
Name of the course Harmony I
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff Toomas Trass
Responsible staff member Kerri Kotta

Graded or pass/fail examinations AA
Semester 12
ECTS 0.000.00


Course aims

Introduction to classical harmony both in theory and practice. The course covers the chords of diatonic major and minor, altered chords, secondary dominants, different types of modulations, different techniques of chromatic harmony and melodic figuration. The practical excercises are divided into three types: a) written harmonization excercises; b) playing chord sequences on the piano; c) harmonic analysis of various compositions.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course the student will
- know the fundamentals of voice leading
- know the chordal repertory of tonal harmony and simpler tonicizations
- be able to harmonize a given melody or bass with 4-part harmony
- be able to play on piano sequences, both diatonic and with secondary dominants, both upwards and downwards
- demonstrate the ability to analyze sections of music by Viennese Classics and early Romantics which use the main chords and main alterations (but no modulations)