Course code JMX201
Name of the course Ensemble
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff Jaak Sooäär, Raul Sööt, Aleksandr Paal, Kirke Karja
Responsible staff member Jaak Sooäär

Graded or pass/fail examinations AEAEAE
Semester 123456

Total ECTS 24 ECTS

Course aims

The course aims to develop primary ensemble playing skills and techniques, as well as introducing the stylistically versatile jazz music repertoire, including both composed musical material and that requiring improvisation.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the subject, students will:
- be cooperative and competent members of ensembles of various compositions;
- know the role of their instrument when playing ensembles of different styles of jazz
- be able to perform the main repertoire of jazz music on their instrument in an ensemble setting
- be able to lead ensembles of various compositions
- be able to teach original repertoire to an ensemble