Course code KAX208
Name of the course Chamber Music
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff Marje Lohuaru, Natalia Sakkos, Mari Poll-Novakovic, Kristi Mühling, Soo-Young Lee, Peeter Sarapuu, Maksim Štšura, Heiki Mätlik, Imbi Tarum, Kreete Jacob, Jiri Olavi Parviainen, Vambola Krigul, Indrek Vau, Dmitry Bulgakov
Responsible staff member Marje Lohuaru

Graded or pass/fail examinations AEAE
Semester 1234

Total ECTS 16 ECTS

Course aims

The aim of the subject is to
- Bring the chamber music skills of the student to a professional standard;
- Prepare the student for independent career as ensemblist and accompanist;
- Develop self-analysis and self-criticism, and the ability to learn from others.
- Develop musicianship between singers and instrumentalists in a variety of ensembles

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the subject, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate sufficient knowledge and skills for participating in a variety of ensemble settings.
2. Perform repertory of different periods on a high international standard.
3. Perceive partners musical intentions and react appropriately and creatively, instruct other students if needed, and respect the principles of teamwork.
4. Analyze musical texture.
5. Display good command of sound quality and muscle reactions.
Early music:
- the student demonstrates knowledge of, and ability to perform in, the main styles of early music
- is able to play using appropriate ornamentation and articulation
- is able to play use appropriate phrasing, harmony and the rules of musical rhetoric
- demonstrates sensitivity to ensemble partners, plays with flexibility and reacts to their impulses