Course code KAX950
Name of the course Main Instrument
Languages of instruction Estonian/English
Teaching staff Mati Mikalai, Marko Martin, Peep Lassmann, Mari Tampere-Bezrodny, Triin Ruubel-Lilleberg, Virgo Veldi, Mari Poll-Novakovic, Reet Ruubel
Responsible staff member Helin Kapten

Graded or pass/fail examinations pass/failgradingpass/failgrading

Total ECTS 16 ECTS

Course aims

To develop the power of improvisational analysis, refining and developing individual mastery.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the subject, students will:
- be able to perform professionally at a high artistic level, music from different periods and carry out their creative ideas,
- have a command of the techniques specific to their instrument at a professional level,
- be able to define the structure of the musical work, open and communicate to the audience the emotional contents and artistic message of the works performed.