Course code LAO202
Name of the course Opera Class
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff Ene Rindesalu, Liis Kolle, Rene Soom
Responsible staff member Ene Rindesalu

Graded or pass/fail examinations AEAE
Semester 1234

Total ECTS 16 ECTS

Course aims

Students acquire basic knowledge of acting techniques and role development, principles of role analysis and character preparation, and combine these skills with the use of voice. Musical and stage work on different roles and characters to highlight the student’s abilities as a soloist and ensemble member. Learning about make-up accessories, make-up techniques for different historical periods and methods of hair styling.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the subject, the student will:
- be able to perceive the connections between singing and acting;
- be able to analyse the role and create a character with the help of the director of the musical stage production;
- efficiently direct energy into the text and music, gestures and body movements, so that viewers could have a clear understanding of what to express;
- know the translation of works performed in foreign languages and sing with clear articulation:
- know how to listen to other ensemble members;
- understand that the work of a performing actor is always teamwork;
- be able to listen and observe other people’s performance and analyse it according to the learned criteria;
- be familiar with make-up accessories and make-up techniques of different historical periods as well as methods of hair styling.