Course code LAX920
Name of the course Vocal Ensemble II
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff Irene Kabonen
Responsible staff member Irene Kabonen

Graded or pass/fail examinations AEAE
Semester 1234


Course aims

The aim of the course is to develop ensemble skills, to learn individual parts and to experience the whole structure of ensemble pieces, including its musical concept and content, and to acquire skills required for the performance of large compositions for voices and orchestra. The course includes independent work on one’s parts.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the subject, students will:
- have learned their parts during the academic year in at least four ensemble pieces, being able to perform these fluently and in an artistically convincing manner
- are well acquainted with the performed music, knowing and sensing other vocal parts besides their own, as well as orchestral parts and their relationships and inter-reactions
- know the place of their respective ensemble in a large-scale composition and are aware of the overall situation
- have analysed and worked through their performed role
- are able to react to different interpretations