Course code MAG069
Name of the course Master's Thesis
Languages of instruction english
Teaching staff
Responsible staff member Auli Annukka Irene Jyrämä

Graded or pass/fail examinations

Total ECTS 30 ECTS

Course aims

The aim of the subject is to write and defend publicly a research thesis related to the field of cultural management. The research process aims at promoting the student´s critical thinking and generalizing skills, as well as argumentation capacities. Upon successful defense of the thesis, the student will be awarded Master´s degree.
(Minimum length of 15000 words, w/o appendixes).

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes of the module.
Upon completion of the module, the student will be able to:
1. Investigate practical and theoretical issues related to cultural management, and apply appropriate scientific methods.
2. Review results and make proposals for given research issues and problems.
3. Discuss in written form the methods, process and analysis results.
4. Present the thesis and its results verbally, and defend it in public.