Course code MTM001
Name of the course Solfeggio I
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff Helin Lippmaa, Toomas Trass
Responsible staff member Kerri Kotta

Graded or pass/fail examinations AA
Semester 12
ECTS 3.003.00


Course aims

The subject aims to develop the student’s musical hearing, memory, knowledge of musical notation as well as analytical skills.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the MTM001 subject, the student will be able to:
- sing different modes of major and minor;
- sing basic triads and their inversions in keys with up to six accidentals;
- sight-sing simple exercises in these keys;
- sing simple sequences in the aforementioned keys;
- sing diatonic modes based on these keys;
- write down simple one-part dictations;
- differentiate simple intervals and learned chords by ear and notate these;
- differentiate intervals and learned chords in the score;
- sing intervals and chords, following markings or a score, both in ascending and descending order;
- sing triads and seventh chords from various steps of a given mode;
- differentiate, by ear, the progressions of the learned chords and notate them as a base-line with chord symbols.