Course code MTM002
Name of the course Solfeggio II
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff Piret Rips, Rene Eespere, Riho Esko Maimets, Kerri Kotta
Responsible staff member Kerri Kotta

Graded or pass/fail examinations AE
Semester 12
ECTS 3.003.00


Course aims

The subject aims to develop musical hearing and attention as well as memory and analytical skills. It also includes further development of the intonationally clear singing skills of homophonic and polyphonic sight-singing.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student will be able to
- recognize and sing the intervals and chords learnt and practised in the classes, both separately and in various orders and sequences, both upwards and downwards
- use both letter names and solfege syllables of the notes when singing
- sing one voice and play the other in a 2-voice exercise, or sing in duet
- sing with good intonation the various scales and sequences (both chromatic and diatonic)
- write down the bass line and chord symbols of chord progressions which are played 3-4 times
- write down 1-voice tonally stable dictations played 8-10 times, mnemonic dictations played 2-4 times, "quick" dictations played 1 time