Course code MTX723
Name of the course Music Psychology
Languages of instruction english
Teaching staff
Responsible staff member Marju Raju

Graded or pass/fail examinations


Course aims

This course is aimed at introducing students to the main categories and research methods of contemporary psychology of music. The course includes theoretical knowledge of the field and practical information that could be useful for future musicians in their work or private life (teaching and practicing strategies, preventing, and coping with mental health issues).

Learning outcomes

After passing this course, a student
(1) has acquired basic knowledge about the topics of music psychology and the interdisciplinary nature of the field
(2) has acquired basic knowledge of the research methods, planning and ethical considerations of (music)psychology
(3) knows where to find relevant and adequate information of music psychology
(4) can analyse music and its structural elements and roles in various contexts et individual, group and cultural level
(5) has learned basic information and facts from the lecture topics