Course code MTX867
Name of the course Sonata and Concerto Forms in 19th and Early 20th Century Music
Languages of instruction english
Teaching staff
Responsible staff member Aare Tool

Graded or pass/fail examinations


Course aims

The course focuses on the development of sonata and concerto first movement forms in the 19th and early 20th century. Instrumental works by Franz Liszt, Richard Strauss, Johannes Brahms, Sergey Prokofiev, and Maurice Ravel are analysed. The course is taught in English.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the subject, the student
- knows the most important theoretical concepts related to musical form in 19th and early 20th century music;
- will be able to identify formal layout, tonal organization and specific formal features of a sonata or a concerto movement from the 19th- and early 20th-century repertoire;
- will be able to interpret the important formal aspects of a musical work from the expressive point of view;
- will be able to present the analytical findings in a consistent manner both in oral discussions and in a written text.