Course code NIX232
Name of the course Modern and Experimental Music Studio
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff Taavi Kerikmäe
Responsible staff member Taavi Kerikmäe

Graded or pass/fail examinations AAAA
Semester 1234

Total ECTS 12 ECTS

Course aims

The aim of the subject is practical work in the creation and/or preparation of works of contemporary and experimental music. The purpose of the subject is to give the student the opportunity to work on a contemporary or experimental music project of his choice, which the student presents in a public assessment at the end of the semester.

The project chosen by the student is developed and prepared for presentation through group lessons and guidance in individual lessons. The project may include the performance of an existing piece of contemporary or experimental music or the creation of a new piece. The project can also be interdisciplinary.

Learning outcomes

A student who passed the subject:
- is able to analyze performance and creative problems of contemporary and experimental music and solve them in practice;
- knows the most common notation types of the 20th and 21th century and the notation symbols of alternative notation symbols
- knows the most common extended techniques concerning his instrument;
- is able to analyze electroacoustic music performance problems and knows elementary technological solutions.