Course code NIX600
Name of the course Free Improvisation History
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff Theodore Lee Parker
Responsible staff member Theodore Lee Parker

Graded or pass/fail examinations AA
Semester 12
ECTS 3.003.00


Course aims

The aim of this subject is to provide the student with the development of freer forms of improvisation occurring since the 1950ʼs. This will include areas of free jazz, aleatoric music, free improvisation, and the use of improvisation in other contemporary art fields.

Learning outcomes

After this course the student will posses:
1. Historical understanding of freer forms of improvisation
2. Understanding of the Theoretical issues found in the field
3. Knowledge of Improvisation in other fields
4. Have the ability to explain the aesthetic underpinnings of improvisation as a general process in music.