Course code PMX210
Name of the course Additional Instrument
Languages of instruction estonian/english
Teaching staff Karoliina Kreintaal, Katariin Raska
Responsible staff member Karoliina Kreintaal

Graded or pass/fail examinations AAAA
Semester 1234


Course aims

The aim of the subject is to get to know the history, playing/singing techniques and the repertoire of the folk music instrument or folk singing.
Possible choises of additional instrument: hiiu kannel, bagpipe, jaws harp/overtone flute, fiddle, folk singing, different types of kannels, Estonian accordeon, karmoška

Learning outcomes

On completion of the subject, the student has an overview of the history of the instrument/folk singing. Knows the playing/singing techniques and style. Student can play tunes common to that instrument's tradition or present traditional songs in various styles.