Code of curriculum 215388
Curriculum name in Estonian Jazz- ja improvisatsiooniline muusika
Curriculum name in English Jazz and Improvisational Music
Curriculum level master's studies
Curriculum volume in credits 120 ECTS
Nominal duration of studies in years 2 years
Form(s) of study regular studies
Curriculum Group arts
Language(s) of instruction English
Date of entry in the MER register 12.05.2020
Date of approval (amendment) by the EAMT Senate 15.04.2020
The right to conduct education
The study programme is included in the study programme group of Music and Theatre Arts and the studies may be conducted according to Government of the Republic Regulation No. 62 of 11.07.2019 "Standard of Higher Education", appendix 3
Terms and conditions of admission
- access requirement(s)
Bakalaureusekraad (Bachelor´s degree), rakenduskõrgharidusõppe diplom (Diploma of Professional Higher Education) or a corresponding qualification.
- entrance exams
Entrance examination in specialty field
Curriculum objectives
The goal of the program is to
- provide students who have completed bachelor's studies, with an education on a high international standard in the field of jazz music or contemporary improvisation, responding to the requirements of contemporary musical life and directed to the development of creativity; completing the program is a pre-requisite for entering doctoral degree studies;
- support an open social and cultural environment that assists in mastering and applying the knowledge and skills both related to the major field of study and others described in the curriculum;
- create conditions for developing human self-reflexion and a holistic understanding of the world;
- develop communicative competence, sense of responsibility, leadership and collaboration skills of the student.
Learning outcomes of the curriculum
Upon completing the curriculum, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate proficiency in main instrument, contemporary or jazz improvisation, various styles and repertory on a high international standard; apply technical skills in ensemble/band both as participating musician and ensemble leader, adapt to various performing and recording situations, be co-operative and effectively express and communicate creative ideas.
2. Display systematic knowledge of jazz or contemporary improvisation history until the present day, the main structures and concepts, and its cultural and social background.
3. Display readiness for independent work, including working in international framework, exhibiting initiative, responsibility, leadership and teamwork abilities.
4. Teach, instruct, and transmit information competently and professionally.
5. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of some other field/fields related to music or cultural entrepreneurship.
6. Creatively integrate and apply the knowledge and skills obtained from the study into independent artistic activity.
7. Communicate and participate in his/her own language of instruction, and at least one more language, in musical discussions and on various musical topics; present and argue, both in written and verbal form, issues and theories related to one's field of study.
8. Effectively participate in team work both at work and in everyday life, display social responsibility and exhibit tolerance for different attitudes and values.
9. Take proper decisions in ethically complicated situations, demonstrate awareness of the moral and ethical aspects, as well as the possibilities, limitations and wider consequences of one's professional activity, discuss and argue topics and issues related to music and cultural life.
10. Evaluate critically the knowledge and skills obtained, continue further with professional studies and develop one's understanding of both music and culture in general.
Short description of the curriculum
The curriculum consists of the following components and modules:
A Major 30 credits
B Practical courses related to major 35 credits
- additional practical courses for jazz music
- additional practical courses for contemporary improvisation
C Music theory, music history, pedagogy and general studies 35 credits
- courses related to music theory, music history, pedagogy and general studies
D Master's degree examination, 15 credits
E Freely chosen courses 5 credits
Curriculum options
Module A is mandatory for all students.
From among the subjects of module B, the student will complete 35 credits.
From module C, the student will complete 35 credits.
Freely chosen courses, amouting to 5 credits, can be chosen either from the catalogue of EMTA or other colleges/universities. Module D is mandatory.
Graduation requirements (thesis, exams)
the curriculum will be completed by obtaining the 105 credits (major 30 credits, practical courses related to major 35 credits, courses related to music theory, music history, pedagogy and general studies 35 credits, freely chosen courses 5 credits) and passing the Master's degree examination 15 credits.
- diploma
Master's Diploma, Diploma Supplement
- obtained degree
Master of Arts
Unit(s) responsible for the curriculum
Jazzmuusika osakond
Access to future study
Doctoral Program
Level of qualification
Second cycle higher education, Estonian Qualifications Framework Level 7, European Qualifications Framework Level 7
Professional status
The right to be employed in a position requiring Master's Degree or corresponding qualification
Curriculum specialisations
Major field of study: Jazz music, 120 ECTS credits, Contemporary improvisation 120 ECTS credits
IM13 Contemporary improvisation
JM11 Jazz Music (Keyboards)
JM12 Jazz Music (Guitar)
JM13 Jazz Music (Percussion)
JM14 Jazz Music (Bass)
JM15 Jazz Music (Voice)
JM16 Jazz Music (Saxophone)
JM17 Jazz Music (Violin)
JM18 Jazz Music (Trumpet)
JM19 Jazz Music (Trombone)
JM20 Jazz Music (Flute)
Curriculum structure and subjects


[MA06] Specialization module (for majors in Jazz Music)

Objective of the module: The aim of the module is to develop and enhance the student's main instrument resp. vocal skills and the level of musical thinking, and apply the experience in performing and recording framework on a high international standard. The aim of contemporary improvisation master study is to develop musicians/performers skills of improvisation into the high professional level; and prepare the students for individual and group working skills both as a solo and ensemble player.

Mandatory module according to specialty.

Learning outcomes of the module. Upon completing the module, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an advanced level of knowledge and skills for the development and realization of one's musical and creative potential;
2. Perform on a high level of proficieny and convincing capacity on the main instrument;
3. Display fluency in modes and chord progressions of improvisation,
4. Creatively apply the characteristic rhythmical and phrasing possibilities of various styles;
5. Perform difficult repertory of various styles artistically and convincingly;
6. Conceive and realize artistically meaningful creative and compositional ideas;
7. Verbalize, analyze and resolve various issues related to one's instrument/voice.
Subject code Subject name ECTS Grading type
JMX106-1/2024Main Studies10 ECTSA
JMX106-2/2024Main Studies10 ECTSE
JMX106-3/2024Main Studies10 ECTSA
NIX105-1/2024Main Studies10 ECTSE
NIX105-2/2024Main Studies10 ECTSE
NIX105-3/2024Main Studies10 ECTSE


[MB11] Additional practical courses (for majors in Jazz Studies)

Objective of the module: The aim of the module is to develop and varify a number of musical skills and capacities that support the student's major field of study, such as creative thinking, aural skills, an additional musical instrument, improvisation and others.

Mandatory subjects are JMX930, JMX940, JMX220 A1-A2, JMX901 A1-A2 (32 credits). At least 3 credits have to be chosen from the other subjects of the module.

Upon completion of the module, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of 20th-21st century main composers and styles, new notation symbols used and extended performance techniques;
2. Analyze various performance issues and problems of contemporary and experimental music and resolve them in practice;
3. Perform a variety of repertory on an additional musical instrument;
4. Demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of classical music instrumentation and improvisation.
Subject code Subject name ECTS Grading type
JMX940-1/2024Creative Project3 ECTSA
JMX940-2/2024Creative Project3 ECTSE
JMX930-1/2024Ensemble4 ECTSA
JMX930-2/2024Ensemble4 ECTSE
JMX930-3/2024Ensemble4 ECTSA
JMX930-4/2024Ensemble4 ECTSE
JMX901-1/2024Big Jazzband3 ECTSA
JMX901-2/2024Big Jazzband3 ECTSA
JMX300-1/2024Laboratory of Jazz Composition2 ECTSA
JMX300-2/2024Laboratory of Jazz Composition2 ECTSA
IND401-1/2024Practical Work2 ECTSA
IND401-2/2024Practical Work2 ECTSA
IND401-3/2024Practical Work2 ECTSA
IND401-4/2024Practical Work2 ECTSA
NIX950-1/2024Improvisation2 ECTSA
NIX950-2/2024Improvisation2 ECTSA
NIX950-3/2024Improvisation2 ECTSA
NIX950-4/2024Improvisation2 ECTSA
NIX930-1/2024Modern and Experimental Music Studio3 ECTSA
NIX930-2/2024Modern and Experimental Music Studio3 ECTSA
JMX940-3/2024Creative Project3 ECTSA
NIX230/2024Introduction to 21st Century Chamber Music3 ECTSA
MIX202-1/2024Additional Instrument 2 ECTSA
MIX202-2/2024Additional Instrument 2 ECTSA
MIX202-3/2024Additional Instrument 2 ECTSA
MIX202-4/2024Additional Instrument 2 ECTSA
KOX600/2024Arrangement2 ECTSA
KOE815/2024Live-mixing2 ECTSA
KOE800/2024Introduction to Music Technology Facilities2 ECTSA
KOE721-1/2024Sound Engineering Practice I2 ECTSA
KOE721-2/2024Sound Engineering Practice I2 ECTSE
KOE721-3/2024Sound Engineering Practice I2 ECTSA
KOE721-4/2024Sound Engineering Practice I2 ECTSE
KOE711/2024Fundamentals of Sound Engineering 3 ECTSA
KOE110/2024Computer Notation 3 ECTSA
JMX220-1/2024Additional Instrument 2 ECTSA
JMX220-2/2024Additional Instrument 2 ECTSA
JMX220-3/2024Additional Instrument 2 ECTSA
JMX220-4/2024Additional Instrument 2 ECTSA
JMX150-1/2024Jazz Line Writing2 ECTSA
JMX150-2/2024Jazz Line Writing2 ECTSE
JMX109-1/2024Advanced Rhythm and Pulse2 ECTSA
JMX109-2/2024Advanced Rhythm and Pulse2 ECTSE

[MB25] Additional practical courses (for majors in Contemporary Improvisation)

Objective of the module: The aim of the module is to develop and varify a number of musical skills and capacities that support the student's major field of study:

Mandatory subjects are NIX230, NIX250, NIX255, NIX260, NIX930 A1-A2 (30 credits). At least 5 credits have to be chosen from the other subjects of the module.

Upon completion of the module, the student will be able to:
1. implement his musical ideas convincingly and professionally;
2. display good command of voice in a improvisation;
3. improvize both as solist and in ensemble;
4. display understanding in contemporary musical styles and means of expression;
5. critically evaluate modern and traditional means of musical expression and integrate these in one's own compositions;
6. discuss and argue the criteria of choice used, and put one's work in a wider perspective;
7. take into account the acoustical properties of the place/venue where the recording takes place.
Subject code Subject name ECTS Grading type
NIX255/2024Open Notation3 ECTSA
NIX230/2024Introduction to 21st Century Chamber Music3 ECTSA
NIX930-1/2024Modern and Experimental Music Studio3 ECTSA
NIX930-2/2024Modern and Experimental Music Studio3 ECTSA
NIX260-1/2024Physical Theatre and Improvisation3 ECTSA
NIX260-2/2024Physical Theatre and Improvisation3 ECTSA
NIX250-1/2024Improvisation Studio3 ECTSA
NIX250-2/2024Improvisation Studio3 ECTSA
NIX250-3/2024Improvisation Studio3 ECTSA
NIX250-4/2024Improvisation Studio3 ECTSA
VMX926-1/2024Early Music Ensemble3 ECTSA
VMX926-2/2024Early Music Ensemble3 ECTSA
VMX926-3/2024Early Music Ensemble3 ECTSA
VMX926-4/2024Early Music Ensemble3 ECTSA
VMX202-1/2024Additional Instrument2 ECTSA
VMX202-2/2024Additional Instrument2 ECTSA
VMX202-3/2024Additional Instrument2 ECTSA
VMX202-4/2024Additional Instrument2 ECTSA
NIX960-1/2024Main Instrument4 ECTSA
NIX960-2/2024Main Instrument4 ECTSE
NIX930-3/2024Modern and Experimental Music Studio3 ECTSA
NIX930-4/2024Modern and Experimental Music Studio3 ECTSA
NIX235-1/2024International Collaboration in Contemporary Improvisation2 ECTSA
NIX235-2/2024International Collaboration in Contemporary Improvisation3 ECTSA
MTX810/2024History of Estonian Pop Music3 ECTSE
KOX805-1/2024Composition 2 ECTSA
KOX805-2/2024Composition 2 ECTSA
KOX805-3/2024Composition 2 ECTSA
KOX805-4/2024Composition 2 ECTSA
KOE840-1/2024Live Electronics Ensemble2 ECTSA
KOE840-2/2024Live Electronics Ensemble2 ECTSA
KOE800/2024Introduction to Music Technology Facilities2 ECTSA
KOE711/2024Fundamentals of Sound Engineering 3 ECTSA
KOE511/2024Audio Programming Language II3 ECTSA
KOE511/2024Audio Programming Language II3 ECTSA
IND401-1/2024Practical Work2 ECTSA
IND401-2/2024Practical Work2 ECTSA
IND401-3/2024Practical Work2 ECTSA
IND401-4/2024Practical Work2 ECTSA


[MC06] Courses Related to Music Theory, Music History, Pedagogy and General Studies (Elective modul for English-language curricula)

Objective of the module: The aim of the module is to broaden the horizons of the student in thinking and writing about music, develop verbal and writing skills, the ability to formulate issues pertaining to the student's field of specialisation and identify appropriate methods for resolve them, provide the students with basic knowledge of the environment of cultural industries, as well as develop practical skills for independent creative work in market economy conditions.

Mandatory subjects are MTX332 and one music analysis course - MTX722, MTX867, MTX868 or KOE860.

Upon completion of the module, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic principles of writing research papers, using databases and finding required information;
2. Demonstrate basic knowledge of managing cultural projects and the different types of such projects, prepare a project description and display familiarity with the field of cultural industries;
3. Communicate his or her knowledge and skills in the specialty in a competent manner, using modern teaching methods;
4. Participate in teamwork.
Subject code Subject name ECTS Grading type
MTX332/2024Estonian Music3 ECTSE
MTX912/2024Final Research Paper10 ECTSE
ÜAK628/2024Estonian Language Continuation Course3 ECTSA
MTX867/2024Sonata and Concerto Forms in 19th and Early 20th Century Music3 ECTSA
MTX868/2024Seminar in Analysis of Contemporary Music3 ECTSA
MTX802/2024Gender Roles in Popular Music3 ECTSA
MTX772-1/2024Musicology Special Seminars 2 ECTSA
MTX772-2/2024Musicology Special Seminars 2 ECTSA
MTX772-3/2024Musicology Special Seminars 2 ECTSA
MTX772-4/2024Musicology Special Seminars 2 ECTSA
MTX722/2024Auditory Psychology and Acoustics 3 ECTSE
KOE826/2024Western Microtonal Music of the 20th Century3 ECTSE
KOE860/2024Introduction to the Analysis of Electroacoustic Music3 ECTSE
MTX231/2024Applied Reflective Methods for Artistic Research3 ECTSA
MTX355/2024Histories of Chamber Music3 ECTSA
MTX435/2024Music in Film3 ECTSA
MTX711/2024Hymnology3 ECTSA
MTX815/2024Introduction to the Analysis of Post-Tonal Music2 ECTSE
MTX301/2024History of Early Music3 ECTSE
MTX311/2024History of Music in the 17.-18th Century3 ECTSE
MTX337/2024Music in the 19th and 20th Centuries5 ECTSE

[MC11] Pedagogy and General Studies (for English-language curricula)

Objective of the module: The aim of the module is to broaden the horizons of the student in thinking and writing about music, develop verbal and writing skills, to develop pedagogical skills of the student.

MTX255 and KMX602 are mandatory subjects. ÜAK627 is mandatory if it has not been passed in Bachelor level.

Subject code Subject name ECTS Grading type
MTX255/2024Fundamentals of Methods of Research5 ECTSA
KMX602/2024Seminar on Music Education3 ECTSA
ÜAX600-1/2024Physical Culture2 ECTSA
ÜAX600-2/2024Physical Culture2 ECTSA
ÜAX600-3/2024Physical Culture2 ECTSA
ÜAX600-4/2024Physical Culture2 ECTSA
ÜAX006/2024Philosophy Seminar3 ECTSE
PEX907-1/2024Pedagogical Practice II3 ECTSA
PEX907-2/2024Pedagogical Practice II3 ECTSA
PEX906-1/2024Pedagogical Practice 3 ECTSA
PEX906-2/2024Pedagogical Practice 3 ECTSA
PEX906-3/2024Pedagogical Practice 3 ECTSA
PEX906-4/2024Pedagogical Practice 3 ECTSE
NIX600-1/2024Free Improvisation History3 ECTSA
NIX600-2/2024Free Improvisation History3 ECTSA
MTX830/2024Journey into the Text3 ECTSA
ÜAX200/2024Psychological Skills in a Musician's Life2 ECTSA

[MC09] Basic Entrepreneurial Skills (Elective modul for English-language curricula)

Objective of the module: The aim of the module is to provide the students with basic knowledge of cultural entrepreneurship and the environment of cultural economy and finance, as well as develop practical skills for effective creative work in market economy conditions.

The student has to choose at least one subject from among the subjects of the module or complete a module for full study load, including subjects MAG500 and MAG912.

Upon completion of the module, the student will be able to:
1. Display basic knowledge of the foundations of Estonian cultural politics, contract law and intellectual property;
2. Demonstrate understanding of how cultural projects are financed, conducted and regulated, and various juridical possibilities for creative work;
3. Write projects and display knowledge of cultural legislation;
4. Effectively participate in team work;
5. Demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of a chosen field of cultural entrepreneurship, for example marketing, author's rights, or project
management; and successfully discuss its issues in both verbal and written form.
Subject code Subject name ECTS Grading type
MAG912/2024Final Thesis of Cultural Entrepreneurship10 ECTSE
MAG352/2024MAPSI e-course3 ECTSA
MAG500/2024Career Planning4 ECTSA
MAG502/2024Practical Workshop3 ECTSA
MAG225/2024Musician’s Profile3 ECTSA
MAG215/2024Concert Production Seminar3 ECTSA

[MC10] Recital Project

Objective of the module: The aim of the module is to offer students an opportunity to develop their artistry as a well-rounded performer and to give them experience in administrative tasks essential to developing a career as a musician.

Elective module. NB! To fill the required amount of ECTS, the student may choose one subject from a different module, if it is deemed necessary for their chosen topic of the lecture recital.
Upon completion of the module, the student will be:
1. able to apply an artistic research approach to their professional practice
2. able to create and organise a lecture recital
3. able to be artistic in both musical and verbal performance
4. familiar with some of the common methods in artistic research
5. acquainted with basic know-how in the fields of IT and cultural management
Subject code Subject name ECTS Grading type
MAG352/2024MAPSI e-course3 ECTSA
MAG500/2024Career Planning4 ECTSA
MIX912/2024Lecture Recital10 ECTSE
MTX231/2024Applied Reflective Methods for Artistic Research3 ECTSA
MTX332/2024Estonian Music3 ECTSE
MTX867/2024Sonata and Concerto Forms in 19th and Early 20th Century Music3 ECTSA
MTX868/2024Seminar in Analysis of Contemporary Music3 ECTSA
ÜAX412/2024Basic Elements of Dramatic Art2 ECTSA
MTX830/2024Journey into the Text3 ECTSA
DGX401-3/2024Methods of Choral Work3 ECTSA
KOE950/2024Digital Skills for Musicians2 ECTSA
MTX355/2024Histories of Chamber Music3 ECTSA
MTX435/2024Music in Film3 ECTSA
MTX772-1/2024Musicology Special Seminars 2 ECTSA
MTX772-2/2024Musicology Special Seminars 2 ECTSA
MTX772-3/2024Musicology Special Seminars 2 ECTSA
MTX772-4/2024Musicology Special Seminars 2 ECTSA
ÜAX006/2024Philosophy Seminar3 ECTSE
ÜAK627/2024Estonian Culture and Language for International Students3 ECTSA


[MD06] Master´s Exam (for majors in jazz)

Objective of the module: The aim of the module is to develop instrument proficiency, ensemble skills, creative thinking and musical expression of the student, preparing and performing the master's recital program.
Learning outcomes of the module. Upon completion of the module the student will be able to:
1. Display creativity and artistic thinking when choosing appropriate repertory;
2. Perform the recital program with artistic excellence and technical fluency;
3. Demonstrate understanding of the main musical styles and apply this in practice;
4. Observe the rules and etiquette of performing in public.
Subject code Subject name ECTS Grading type
NIX115/2024Master's Degree Examination15 ECTSN
JMX116/2024Master´s Degree Examination15 ECTSN